Title: Changes Author: melanie_anne Rating: PG Summary: House has never liked to share and Cuddy cannot help but worry that he might resent Hannah's presence in her life. Disclaimer: Not my characters. Notes: I haven't actually seen any of season 5, but this is based on the spoilers that I've read. Written for ss_huddy.
15 December - A House drabble for m_ravensblood who asked for House/Cuddy and hangover. Post-ep for JoyShe wakes curled up on the floor of the nursery - what should have been the nursery. There's a dull ache in her head, a sour taste in her mouth and an empty bottle of Jack next to her
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6 December - A House drabble for irinafan who asked for House/Cuddy. Set after Wilson's Heart"You're an idiot," she tells him, waiting for him to wake up. "What you did was stupid and irresponsible and dangerous. Stupid, stupid man
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